Bill Statler is able to cos​t-effectively provide superior advice and training to local governments in a broad range of areas, including:

๏   Fiscal and Budget Policies

๏   Long-Term Financial Planning

๏   Budget-Balancing Strategies

๏   Integrating Goal-Setting into the Budget Process: Making Sure the Most
     Important Things Get Done in Good Times and Bad

๏   Financial Analysis and Reporting

๏   Project Management

๏   Organizational Analysis

๏   Preparation for Local Revenue Ballot Measures

๏   Indirect Cost Allocation Plans

๏   Rate Studies and Structure Analysis: Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, 
     Parking and Golf

๏   New Development Fiscal Impact Analysis

๏   Interim Department Head Assignments



William C. Statler ๏ 124 Cerro Romauldo Avenue San Luis Obispo CA 93405 US ๏  805.544.5838 ๏

๏  Trainer