William C. Statler ๏ 124 Cerro Romauldo Avenue San Luis Obispo CA 93405 US ๏ 805.544.5838 ๏ bstatler@pacbell.net
๏ Distinguished Service Award for Dedicated Service and Outstanding Contribution
to the Municipal Finance Profession: California Society of Municipal Finance
Officers (CSMFO)
๏ Ethical Hero Award, Cal-ICMA
๏ National Advisory Council on State and Local Government Budgeting:
Recommended Best Practice (Fiscal Polices: User Fee Cost Recovery)
๏ Award for Distinguished Budget Presentation, with Special Recognition as an
Outstanding Policy Document, Financial Plan and Communications Device:
Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada
๏ CSMFO Awards for Excellence in Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Plan,
Budget Communication and Innovation in Budgeting
๏ GFOA Award of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
๏ CSMFO Certificate of Award for Outstanding Financial Reporting
๏ National Management Association Silver Knight Award for Leadership and
Management Excellence
๏ American Institute of Planners Award for Innovation in Planning
๏ Graduated with Honors, University of California at Santa Barbara